The gramophone's house
The gramophone's house

The gramophone's house

The gramophone's house

Abandoned country house

Montérégie (Quebec), Canada

Don't even try to find this house, you won't find it. In fact, if I know that place, it's primarily because I know the owner. From the outside, nothing seems abandoned. Despite the venerable age of the house, no clue suggest that the place is no longer inhabited.

The age of the house is unknown, but it is certainly aged more of than a century. It was purchased in the 1880s and it remained in the same family until today, representing three generations. For a small house which originally consisted of a living area and a part where the grain was stored, many things have changed over time. From the rural Quebec to a prosperous suburb, this house has been electrified, expanded and modernized. In fact, by modernity, I think about the addition of a bathroom in the 1960s.

At its peak, the house was occupied by more than ten persons (parents, grandmother and seven children). While the adults were sleeping on the main floor, the children were crowded into two rooms upstairs: one for girls and one for boys.

Unfortunately, things have changed. Time has done its work and the house has lost its luster of yesteryear. From the grime in the cobwebs and through the curtains tattered chairs up beheaded by wear, you'd swear that the time has stopped for several decades. Yet its former owner until recently cohabited with the dust. It must be said in his defense that he is one of those men who don't use brooms and scrubbing brushes. Despite he was 80 years old, the old man preferred cutting its wood rather than using its vacuum or its mop.

Moreover, despite his advanced age, you must know that the owner is still in good shape. He is of that kind of tireless human which, despite its entry into a house for seniors, he could have continued manuel work... and of course, impress these young people (of which I am one) who struggle to follow him...

And the gramophone, it works?

Of course, it works! I've chosen an old disk and I turn it on. A real step back in time with the musical atmosphere of the 30s in a place where nothing has changed for over twenty years.

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