The old scrap yard
The old scrap yard

The old scrap yard

The old scrap yard

Scrap and other rusty souvenirs

Saint-Amable (Quebec), Canada

The place has something to surprise you. More than 2,000 vehicles dating from before 1975 scattered in a vast wooded area. Wooded which has made a way through the rusted carcasses that are slowly covered with a vegetation that resumes its rights over the seasons.

The owner, Jean-Paul Colmor, is very friendly, although very talkative. He will tell us that because of Expo 67, the city of Montreal had sent all the abandoned or without a owner vehicles that were within a radius of several kilometers around the various attractions.

What remains of it today are rows and rows of cars, sometimes parked, sometimes stacked one on top of the other. The windshields are shattered and grasses grow on the benches and in the cars suitcase. Some of them are so deep into the ground that the tires are no longer distinguishable.

At times, you feel like you are in a post-apocalyptic setting, something like the Walking Dead. A zombie would feel like home.

For the rest, the feeling of dealing with a compulsive pick-up guy is growing up when you look at all the garbage that accumulates here and there. At times, the site looks like an open dump, although the whole thing is relatively well classified ...

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