The abandoned castle of Noisy
The abandoned castle of Noisy

The abandoned castle of Noisy

The abandoned castle of Noisy

Threatened with demolition in the coming weeks

Celles, Belgium

Located in the town of Celles, in the Namur area in Belgium, the  Miranda castle (or Noisy) is unquestionably one of the most famous Belgian places for urbexers . Built in 1907 (the work has began in 1866), the castle is owned by the Comte Liedekerke-Beaufort.

With its Gothic Revival style, the castle has briefly been occupied by German troops during World War II. The site then became a resort for the children of SNCB employees (National Railway Company of Belgium) in 1950.

In 1991, a fire cause significant enough damage to force the abandonment of the castle. Since then, its condition has decayed. Its stable has collapsed and structure is weakened more then ever.

In December 2013, the owner obtains from the Houyet Common  a demolition permit. Reason given: the high risks faced to the illegal visitors more numerous each month. Therefore, a petition was launched to save this jewel classified by the Tribune de Genève among the forty most beautiful forgotten places around the world. To date (February 2014), more than 5,500 signatories have expressed their concern about the demolition.

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