The old and abandoned gas station
The abandoned gas station

The abandoned gas station

The abandoned gas station

Out of business for a while

Saint-Hyacinthe (Quebec), Canada

It was a garage, but also a gas station, a car wash and a house. But today, the large building is completely abandoned. Newspapers and magazines on the floor suggest that the owners left about two years ago. They have left suddenly, by the way. In the portion of the house, several photos of children are lying here and there on the floor. Around the desk in the commercial area, there are still a few magazines, cash register rolls and other trinkets that rain and snow are moistened.

On the garage side, there is nothing else except a big washing machine. The electric wires have been cut here and there, as if there were still power. For the rest, apart from waste in large quantities, it remains nothing.

Finally, note to myself for next time: instead of sneaking myself in some non inelegant move by the broken windows garage doors, a walk behind trade would have allowed me to find an wide open door and enter discreetly.

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